In 1975, the first Postgraduate School was established in Indonesia and the Institut Pertanian Bogor was the pioneer in establishing the Postgraduate School. Based on the organizational structure, when the postgraduate was established, it offered several main study programs namely Agricultural Economics, Soil Science, Agronomy, Animal Science, Development Extension, Rural Sociology and Applied Statistics. These programs emphasize the implementation of a master program that is centralized and managed by the Postgraduate School. Then, in 1980 the Postgraduate School of IPB officially changed its status to become the Postgraduate Faculty of IPB. Gradually, the following year a new department was formed, in particular adjusting the new department under the guidance of the faculty and referring to study programs for postgraduate programs abroad. By 1983, the number of departments had reached 21 (twenty one), and the departments were reorganized into fields of study until mid-2007. At the end of 2007, this program changed to a major. Currently, the Graduate School of IPB has opened 56 main programs for masters programs and 42 main programs for doctoral level programs. Along with the times, some courses are considered capable of offering doctoral degree programs, so that in 1978 the Postgraduate School officially opened a doctoral program.
Menjadi alumni Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB pada jenjang Magister dan Doktor secara bersamaan merupakan anugerah yang saya syukuri. Terima kasih Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB dan Pemerintah Indonesia melalui program PMDSU (Pendidikan Magister Menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul)
As a Postgraduate Student of IPB University, The quality I like most about IPB University is how fundamentally they have prepared me for my next step in life, regardless of whether I choose employment or graduate studies. This is so called Inspiring, Innovation with Integrity
Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB memberikan saya pengalaman yang sangat berkesan, sehingga saya dapat memanfaatkan latar belakang pendidikan sebelumnya menjadi lebih baik
QS World University Ranking 2022
Competitiveness of Graduates is High and Graduates Distributed at Home and Abroad
One of the Highest Research Quantities and Quality in Indonesia
The Most Complete Agriculture Major in Southeast Asia
Academic Qualifications and Competency of Lecturers are High
Extensive Collaboration with International Colleges and Institutions
High Academic Standard
Complete, Comfortable and Conducive Study Facilities and Environment