About Us
Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, M.Sc.F.Trop.
Dean of Graduate School Remarks
As the Dean of the Graduate School at IPB University, it is both an honor and a privilege to welcome you to our website. Our vision is clear: to become a superior graduate education institution on the global stage, excelling in the fields of agriculture, maritime affairs, and tropical biosciences, all while nurturing a strong technosocio entrepreneurial character.
At the Graduate School, we are committed to shaping the future of education and preparing our students to thrive in an ever-evolving world. We understand that the landscape of graduate education is rapidly changing, and that’s why we have set our sights on achieving excellence not just in academics, but also in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit that merges technology and societal impact.
Our graduate programs are designed to challenge, inspire, and transform our students into leaders who can navigate the complexities of the modern world. We believe that education should be a catalyst for change and progress, and our goal is to equip our graduates with the skills, knowledge, and entrepreneurial mindset to make a meaningful impact in the fields of agriculture, maritime affairs, and tropical biosciences.
By choosing IPB University’s Graduate School, you are joining a community dedicated to research, innovation, and service to society. We take pride in our commitment to providing a platform for academic excellence, where students and faculty work together to explore new frontiers of knowledge and address global challenges.
We invite you to explore our website to discover more about our programs, faculty, research initiatives, and the vibrant community that makes up the Graduate School at IPB University. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you on your journey towards academic and professional success.
Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to welcoming you to our institution and supporting you as you work towards your academic and career goals.
Warm regards,
“Menjadi pendidikan pascasarjana unggul di tingkat global di bidang pertanian, kelautan, biosains tropika yang berkarakter technosocio enterpreneurial.“
- Mengkoordinasikan dan menyelenggarakan pendidikan pascasarjana yang adaptif, inovatif dan berkelanjutan di tingkat global pada bidang pertanian, kelautan, biosains tropika yang berkarakter technosocio enterpreneurial.
- Mempelopori penelitian unggul di tingkat global dalam inovasi bidang pertanian, kelautan, biosains tropika untuk mendukung kemajuan dan kemandirian bangsa.
- Menyelenggarakan layanan yang adaptif, proaktif dan berkelanjutan dalam rangka menjamin mutu pendidikan pascasarjana yang unggul di tingkat global.
- Mendorong sivitas dan lulusan pascasarjana yang kompeten dalam technosocio enterpreneurial yang adaptif dan berkelanjutan.
Pendidikan Pascasarjana di IPB secara terstruktur dimulai pada tahun 1975 dengan jurusan-jurusan Ekonomi Pertanian, Ilmu Tanah, Agronomi, Ilmu Ternak, Penyuluhan Pembangunan, Sosiologi Pedesaan dan Statistika Terapan. Program-program tersebut lebih menekankan kepada pelaksanaan program magister sains, dan dikelola secara terpusat oleh Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPs).
Struktur Organisasi
Bagan Struktur Organisasi
Profil Pimpinan SPs IPB
Profil Tenaga Kependidikan