Biodiversity, Agriculture & Culture of Taiwan (BACT) Summer Program

·  The program fee is USD 3,000 (waive for 2 students, but more participants can be added with self-funded: USD 2500 USD for university’s partner’s student)
·  The program fee will cover the one-month room fees (in and out Taipei), and three-fifth meals, text book, bags, T-shirts, and transportation for program use.
·   Funding for ticket and partial subsidy for the subsistence, can be apply to the UC Travel grant, SEARCA

Jul. 7 to Aug. 5, 2018 (including arrival and departure dates). Schedule tentative, poster and syllabus can be found at the below:
·         Schedule tentative
·         Poster
·         Syllabus

General Requirements
1. Master Students
2. English ability:
a. TOEIC score of at least 740,
b. TOEFL(ITP/iBT/CBT) scores of at least 500/80/213,
c. IELTS score of at least 6, or
d. Other English certification that is equal/similar to the above
3. Minimum GPA 3.25 on 4 point
4. Recommendation letter from supervisor
5. Submit Application Form 

Please submit all the requirement to “Sub Bagian Humas dan Kerjasama Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB”, Gd. SPs IPB Lt. 3, not later than 9 April 2018. (CP: Fatma/Anna, Phone 0251-8628448/8423855)